Black Swan Book Sale, now 99 cents! Starts Today!

Book promotion

Spread the word! My book is now on sale!

The facts

1) The sale starts today, March 23rd, and continues for two weeks until April 6th.

2) My urban fantasy ebook “The Black Swan Inheritance” was US$2.99, and now it’s US$0.99. That’s less than half price!

3) The sale is across the board at all major retails (including iBooks, but I can’t link to that:

Amazon US

Amazon UK

Amazon AU


Barnes & Noble (new price isn’t showing yet but should by tomorrow!)

Kobo Books

Want to read reviews of my book? You can check out the goodreads page.

Want to know what the book’s about? Here’s the blurb:

The striking Black Swan is native to Australia, unrelated to the seemingly pure White Swan of Europe. She is found in the strangest of places – from ugly mines to cultivated farms, beautiful bushland to violent coastline.

Yet, she always shies away from humanity.

The Black Swan is always beautiful, surprisingly resilient and very, very powerful. Most Black Swans are wise enough not to use that power to challenge the status quo.


Anita had the kind of reputation in high school that no one wants to carry into adulthood, especially since she wants to be a doctor like her dad. Now at university, she is determined to be good, but one little end-of-semester celebration can’t hurt, right? Well, it can if she ends up having a one-night stand with a werewolf that triggers a dark awakening. Turns out Anita’s over-active libido has become more than something hormonal – it’s magical.

The Black Swan is a powerful legacy that brings both temptation and danger. Having now inherited the title and all that comes with it, Anita finds herself beset upon by ancient abominations that won’t take no for an answer. No wonder the Black Swan had been driven to seclusion and banishment in the past. But Anita is determined not to run away – she is here to help, whether the medieval dragon-wolf or the undead cultists want it or not.

She will be no one’s pawn. She will rise to the challenge.

If she can just manage to deal with her own flaws first. Anxiety, panic-attacks, and bouts of bitchiness does not a successful diplomat make.

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