12 thoughts on “@RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Prompt Challenge: Vast & Clear

    • Yes. I’ve applied to lots, but haven’t got anything yet. If I don’t have anything by the time school starts I’ll give my old uni professor a call and see if I can get trained in mathematics and physics – it’d make me more employable and be useful to my (so far non-existent) career. I’ve signed up with Tracer and other relief work. Thanks for asking, Norah 🙂

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      • I hope you get something soon. Positions may become available after school starts back, when teachers resign or don’t turn up and/or classes are different from expected. Your alternative plan sounds worthwhile too. Best wishes with whatever comes your way. It sounds like you are being proactive, which is good. 🙂

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  1. When I was younger, I spent a lot of time building concrete plans, only to have to resort to sledgehammers to change direction. As I got older I learned a silken road makes more sense.


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