Photo Challenge: Weight(less)


In response to the Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge: Weight(less)

These shoes have been hanging on the powerlines by the train station since before I moved to the neighbourhood. It was the first thing I thought of when I saw this week’s prompt: share a photo of something marked by its weight. They still turn in the breeze…



Weekly Photo Challenge: Circle

In response to the Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge: Circle


The prompt this week was ‘circle’ to celebrate the new year but also to be interpreted any which way we liked 🙂 The memory of visiting the temple of Athena at the ancient site of Delphi came to mind. See the circle? Many of these structures found at religious sites have an unknown purpose, making it even more intriguing. Was it an altar? A place of prayer? Was there once a grand statue in the middle? Either way, it makes for a good tourist shot.

(Greece is well worth visiting if you love archaeology!)

Happy New Year Everyone!

Weekly Photo Challenge: Now

In response to the Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge: Now (take a photo of the present)


All weekend I’ve been waiting for the sky to open and deliver some rain to cool things off. Luckily, this afternoon I got my wish!

Right after taking the first photo, the rain came.


Sweet relief! Although I just heard the first crack of thunder… be careful what you wish for! (The whole world seems to be experiencing some awful weather at the moment…)


Photo Challenge: Gathering

In response to the Daily Post’s weekly Photo Challenge


The challenge this week could be interpreted in any way, and I thought of the multi-coloured chili bush growing in my neighbours’ front yard. I have walked past this thing, practically spilling out onto the footpath, for over two years now. This week is the first I week I actually picked a few to use in some Indian dinners!

Okay, okay, it’s not stealing exactly. Look how many chilies are growing on this thing! Also, it’s from a garden outside a massive apartment block, so surely it’s there to service more then one person? I have no idea who actually owns/grows it. Maybe it doesn’t need any help. Maybe it’s just this magical chili bush that grew out of some discarded seeds one day. Either way, it makes food delicious!

On another note…

I have not posted in several months (being flat out with uni assessments and things) and then I wondered if I should even go back to blogging. But I was feeling an… absence. Of purpose? Of fulfillment? I don’t know, but I spoke to a few friends who encouraged me to go back 🙂 I honestly don’t know how often or how regularly I will be able to post in the new year, but I have to remember this is a hobby and not a chore. I will post as long as I am having fun, and I’m looking forward to having some fun dabbling in the interwebs once again 🙂

Cheers everyone! Happy holidays!


Weekly Photography Challenge: Motion

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Motion.”


This Saturday just gone was Anzac Day. For those who might not know, we Australians remember the landing on the beaches Gallipoli every year. 25 April 1915 was the beginning of a campaign that saw 26, 111 Australian casualties, a huge loss for such a small country. There’s a lot of different feelings about war in Australia, but we still choose to remember this day and remember all the soldiers who have served. I personally see the Gallipoli campaign as the first moment Australia began to lose the blind faith in ‘Mother England’, but there are still plenty of monarchists in Australia today…

Anyway, I went to watch the parade in the city and took some photos. While I thought it might be a little tasteless to show a photo of servicemen in response to a photo challenge, I figure one of the marching bands was a safe bet. Thank you St Andrews’ School! Lots of school bands marched, brass bands, pipe bands, drumming bands, and even a band from Mackay (which is pretty far up the coast). It was great to see ex-servicemen from other countries participate too.


Photo Challenge: Early Bird

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Early Bird.”


How disappointing! Nothing but grey skies looking to greet me when I got up early this morning. Rain is meant to keep coming for the next few days, so I suppose this is the closest to a sunrise I’ll be getting for this week’s challenge. Never mind – I’m looking forward to the sleep ins anyway!


Photo Challenge: Blur

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Blur.”

Two photos for this one, both from my trip to Budapest years ago. I’m not sure if I liked the glaringly bright yellow in the first one or the more subdued tones of the second.


Both photos are from a nighttime river cruise down the Danube. The one above is Buda Castle (I wasn’t sure then, but I’m pretty sure now).

The glowy building on high in the middle of the picture below is Fisherman’s Bastion.


Have I mentioned before that travelling is awesome?


Weekly #Photography Challenge: Ephemeral

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Ephemeral.”


  1. lasting for a very short time.

Well, I had to look that one up. Daily Post could’ve just said ‘fleeting’ and I would’ve been fine but noooo….

Turns out, the answer to this week’s challenge was on our back balcony. We have two little potted herbs there that have been just barely hanging onto life since we moved. The balcony is so sheltered and in completely the wrong place so for most of the day it’s in complete shade. It only gets direct natural light for a maximum two hours every late afternoon, and with that, our chives and parsley have been able to hang in there.


You can do it!

So yes: ephemeral.



Weekly Photo Challenge: Fresh

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Fresh.”


Sometimes ‘fresh’ is something as simple as the crisp, clean air you find out in the country. These are photos from when I went down to Ballandean (near the border of NSW) for a weekend to explore the wine country and poke around a bit.  I followed the road above to find myself at a beautiful little billabong:


I should go there again sometime. I’ve gone off wine, but it would be nice to just stay at a little cabin out in the country for another weekend 🙂